Grapefruit oil comes from the fruits peel and, like fruit itself, it has a bitter aroma.
It also has many qualities: It’s a tonic, lymphatic, aperitif, anti-septic, disinfectant, stimulant, diuretic and an anti-depressant.
Listed below are eight health benefits of using grapefruit oil.
1) Grapefruit Oil Can Help You Lose Weight:We’ve all been told that the grapefruit itself can help us lose weight, primarily because it’s low in fat and calories and has fat-burning properties. However, grapefruit essential oil can also prevent weight gain while boosting your metabolism and curbing your metabolism.
All you need to do is add a few drops of the oil to water, diffuse, and then gently massage onto your wrists and chest whenever you feel a hunger craving at an unusual time.
2) Grapefruit Oil Can Boost Digestion:There are many reasons we go to the doctor, but one of the most common is indigestion. There surely isn’t a man, woman or child on this earth who hasn’t suffered with indigestion at some point, be it a minor complaint like bloating or something more major, such as irritable bowel syndrome.
The thing is that your digestion takes a beating over the years and it needs some help from you. Grapefruit oil boosts your digestive process, and it also supports your liver and kidney.
3) Grapefruit Oil Reduces Stress: Who wants to party like it’s 2018? That’s a little hard to do when we’re all stressed. Many of us are working more hours and striking that right balance between life at home and life at work is hard.
However, it’s important that you do all you can to fight stress, as stress reduces our productivity levels and overall happiness. Moreover, it turns us into someone we’re not and can wreck our sleeping patterns.
4) Grapefruit Oil Can Cure A Hangover:This got your attention didn’t it?! Okay, it’s probably impossible to completely cure a hangover, but because grapefruit oil stimulates your liver and gallbladder, it’s as good as anything else when it comes to making life that bit easier after you drank too much the night before. It can reduce headaches, prevent cravings and it can also make you feel less tired.
5) Grapefruit Oil Stimulates Hair Growth:Let’s face it, if there’s anything we care about, it’s our hair. For many women, hair is life and unless our mane looks perfection we’re probably not going to leave the house.
However, as we get older, our hair can lose its lustre and shine. Worse still, it starts to grow with less speed and even begins to fall out. Not cool at all!
6) Grapefruit Oil Boosts Circulation: Pretty much all essential oils boost circulation and grapefruit oil is no different. The benefits of better blood flow include an increase in energy and a lack of feeling bloated.
7) It Slows Down The Ageing Process: No one wants to get older and certainly no one wants to look older than they are. However, the ageing process will keep on speeding up if we do the wrong things.
8) Grapefruit Oil Can Combat Acne: Skin conditions are bad news. Some, such as psoriasis, are genetic and can never be cleared up forever. Others, such as acne, arise due to a poor diet or things like stress which cause a hormonal imbalance.
Acne is one of the worst skin conditions there is. When it hits, it tends to hit pretty hard (and why does it always seem to appear during times when we really don’t need it, such as before a first date?!).
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